Dark-Doodad.jpg IC 2177ThumbnailsNGC 3372IC 2177ThumbnailsNGC 3372IC 2177ThumbnailsNGC 3372IC 2177ThumbnailsNGC 3372IC 2177ThumbnailsNGC 3372IC 2177ThumbnailsNGC 3372IC 2177ThumbnailsNGC 3372

The Dark Doodad Nebula is a dark nebula near the globular cluster NGC 4372, much closer than the centerof the galaxy and in the galactic plane, having a length of nearly three degrees of arc. Although officially unnamed, this long molecular cloud has come to be known under this name. It can be found in the southern constellation of Musca (the Fly) with strong binoculars.

This cloud consists of regions of dense gas and dust, and is one of the closest star forming regions to the Solar System. Just to the east of the southern end of the Dark Doodad is NGC 4372. It has also been called the Musca nebula and grouped as the Musca-Chamaeleonis Molecular Cloud.

Cámara: ZWO ASI2600M Color
Telescopio: Takahashi Sky90
Exposición total: 54 x 5 min
Locación: Observatorio La Banderita, La Pampa, Argentina